Mezāna Intense Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml (16.9 Fl.Oz)

سعر عادي €17,20

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Mezāna Intense Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml (16.9 Fl.Oz)

Type: Early Harverst, Monocultivar,Iintense Fruitiness 

Region: Kalamata, Ancient Messene, Greece 

Variety: 100% Koroneiki

Harvest: 2023/24

Method: Handpicked

Producer: Anagnostopoulos Estate 


FruityBitter  Spicy 






Lovingly produced by the Anagnostopoulos family in the historic lands of Ancient Messene, this exceptional Koroneiki extra virgin olive oil offers a delightful burst of fruitiness that will elevate your culinary creations to new heights.

Experience the essence of the Mediterranean in every drop and bring the authentic taste of Greece to your table.

Other Information

Weight 0.999 kg

Net Weight 500 ml

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