Producer | Solomos

Our Legacy
The first olive groove is located in Fanari, a favorite part of Argostoli in the area of Konto Pigadi that was dug by the pirates of Barbarossa when they invaded the island. In 1970, our Nonno (grandfather), Panagis Solomos, removed and swept 10 acres of rocks and boulders from the estate in Fanari and cultivated it with varieties grown in
Kefalonia, such as Simoteiko, Korfolia, Manaki, Thiako, Dopia and Koroneiki. In 1990, Marili Solomou introduced the principles of certified organic farming.
The Ionian wave, the taste of the rock and the feeling of the sunset at Fanari,
contained in the mixture we have created.
The second olive groove is located in Thiramona of Eleios, a beautiful village with a tradition in the existence of olive trees from antiquity, on a plateau overlooking the rugged mountain range of Ainos.
Our family has been in Thiramona since the early 1800s. The old family olive mill was located there before it was destroyed by the great earthquake in Kefalonia in 1953. When the family returned to the area to see the remains, it was impossible to find the place where the mill was located from the debris that had crushed the area.
However, the deposited point was an olive tree that was planted in the back of the yard which stood out in the destruction. In the family house there are monuments of the old olive mill such as the millstones that were used for the production of the family olive oil for four generations. Many of our olive trees are centuries old, in which over time large cavities have formed inside their rind.
The villagers used to have a rest in them after work, as the shade and coolness they offer is an ideal place to have a beak from the hot sun, but also the children who for generations used them as a place of joy and fun.
This breath of eternity, the aura of Thiramona and the modern people who take care of this earth compose our single-variety olive oil from Korfolia that was awarded for its polyphenols, a real elixir of life.
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